Why Tomorrow is So Exciting

  • "Of course we are carbon based life forms. I'd be more surprised if we were based on isotopes of bismuth. That's when I'll tell you that you're special!" -Neil Degrasse Tyson. 

  • Of the five most abundant elements in the cosmos, three are the most abundant in our bodies! Each of us, is a little universe! 

  • Plants are being grown in space as we speak! 

  • Oxygen is being manufactured so that we can explore our galaxy! 

I don't know about you, but I'm excited beyond my mind to see what we do with tomorrow!

Discover Your Amazement Everyday

It is easy to argue that our economy, safety an overall happiness is basied by our countries latest innovations and strides! 

so I question you, if the greatest discovery in America's time was made tomorrow, not predictable by any means, how would you hear about it? 

  • Facebook
  • The radio
  • Twitter
  • The news
  • Or somewhere else

Given how much of our life's are dictated by these discoveries, I encourage you to constantly seek the latest and greatest! 

You will find that what seems to be the coolest discovery, happens every new day! 
We are progressing rapidly! 
I can't wait for my vacation home on mars! 

(Just kidding! I'll stay on back with a team trying to restore the earth and vegetation!)

inspire yourself with a photo of future

It is amazing where inspiration leads you! 

Anywhere from writing your next poem or rap all the way
a career choice. 

However, it's more amazing to find out what inspires you. 
Maybe walking into a store or being with the ones you love. 

so, here's my big question to you:  

If I told you, in exactly 12 months, your appearance will lock. 

After that point you cannot change your body physically. (You can get tattoos or wear makeup but no weight change, distribution or muscle gain). 

What would you do to prepare? 

Well, what if after that year, you will live forever and be locked in that body shape?
What would you change?

Most people feel a sense of urgency when that is asked.
They feel as though they would hit the gym tomorrow because eternity awaits.

Which has always baffled me
Because we wont live forever, shouldn't that same urgency increase with that knowledge?

In your hands you have the ability to determine your fate. 
Why must eternity inspire people to feel their best? 

I see it the opposite. 
If one has less time than they should seek the most happiness from it! 
But dont let a scenario as made up as scientology, be a factor in your drive! 

If you feel there is something you wish to change, than today starts your 12 months. 
For your direct happiness is in your palm. 
in 365 days, you will not have eternity ahead, instead you will have happiness in every step you take. 
(this is not to say happiness is in appearance more as heath is)