Half The Dose

What is it that you are going through? 
I would help if I knew.
I'd call you or text you but yet,
I don't have a clue.

I'm sorry I haven't asked, and I'm sorry you haven't told.
Pain is not something we should go through alone.
If ever I may assist then today is that day.
Because I feel none, but for you, we'll share in the pain.

To be Dicovered

I hope today was the best day of your life and I hope tomorrow is even better.

Unless you are 18 years younger than me, then today, we are both on this earth.

Maybe you have a girlfriend. Maybe you dyed your hair black and are currently trying to bleach it out. Maybe you are currently crying.

I'm glad that one day we will meet, maybe even tomorrow.

Ever since my sophomore year in high school, I've been working towards the goals that you can see I am still today.

I have no fear and I know I will achieve every single one of my goals.
everyday, I will continue the search.

By the time I find you, I will be the best person I can be because I never waited.

Dear future PD
we have goals to accomplish.
Save the cows, pigs, chickens and every animal
Save every animal because they need you Pam.
Pamela, if you have a destiny. That is it.

Bring thorium to the u.s.
Get rid of color dyes
Give community gardens, give honey that is kind.
Love the flowers.

I wonder if people realize how beautiful they are?

I heard once that, "your feelings are meaningless unless you express them to the other person" 

So I try to tell people when ever I find them to be acting or looking beautifully! 

However, what about the times I acknowledge to myself how wonderful they look but am in to much oh a rush to inform them.

How many people pay you complements? 
But how many more of them noticed?

How many people admire you? 
But may never tell you so? 

That is why you should be yourself!

If you search for validation,
very few will step up.

But in being yourself, there will always be those of us who admire you. 

Why We Must Forgive.

Forgive them, even if they are not sorry.

Powerful words for someone of my age. 
Yet this words are so peaceful? 
Because Peace is powerful... It's one of the longest lasting and strongest forces on earth! 

Peace is intelligent and violence is ignorant

We must give everyone the opportunity to form a relationship with us.  
Kindness is remembered daily through actions of self sacrifice.
Kindness is never forgotten, for the man you are kind to one the street, goes home and passes it on to his children.
Small acts define the future. A compliment could lead you to your next love. 

Are there such things as 'Soul Mates'?
In my opinion: no.
Anyone could be your best friend
And very few of them could be your ultimate love.
However, you have more than just one! There are hundreds! Wherever you go there will be someone who is just the most amazing thing you have ever met! 
We human have very few limitations...
Love has no limit
Peace has no limit.
Forgiveness has no limit.

Imagine all that you are sad about and what better you could be doing with your energy? 

Your mind is a garden and your thoughts are the seeds.
You can grow flowers! 
Or you can grow weeds.